Leading Ecology Consultancy in Leamington

Learn Ecology in Leamington is committed to fostering environmental awareness through the work we do

We want to use the information we have to make a difference, taking initiative and planting conversation-starters across the communities we work with. Our promotional activity and educational output seek to engage our audience in the protection of wildlife and habitats, educating individuals and organisations about the intricate relationships within ecosystems through advanced and dynamic methods.

Who We Are

We’re a nurturing practice led by a set of values that spur our work, functioning as a catalyst for positive change in the environment. At the core of our work is a dedication to educating individuals and organisations about the intricate relationships within ecosystems. We look ahead, aiming to preserve and protect in the present to enhance the environmental stability of the future.

Our Location

Our location in Leamington is where we plan, schedule and organise our work, which we roll out depending on where you are. We work nationwide, flexibly equipping communities with the knowledge needed to make informed environmental decisions.


Our Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA), faunal surveys, Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment, and impact avoidance are in place to harness a firm foundation of care for ecological welfare. We work with you across the entirety of the planning and development process of your project, harnessing a pragmatic approach to survey and mitigation to impact the way the environment is considered. We work in and around our local area, as well as nationwide, to integrate ecological considerations into the early stages of a development process.


Education is a big part of how we take action. Our outreach extends to seminars, taught classes within schools, workshops and worksheets, connecting communities, making partnerships and inviting you to take part in our mission to raise awareness of ecological systems and protection. We teach. We consult. We take action. Whatever we do, we do it with professional regard for expanding the ecological protection scene, actively engaging our audience in the importance of conservation by starting interactive, dynamic conversations.

Our Vision

Our vision is to make a difference to ecological welfare through providing accurate and measured coaching that delegates informative insight into how the environment should be maintained for the preservation of wildlife and habitats.

Contact Us For Educational Experience, Nature Studies & Ecology Consultancy in Leamington

Our resources, understanding and experience invoke what we do with knowledge, structured support and firm care. Get in touch with us to hire our ample services and inform your project, working development or practice with insight on how to protect and preserve the ecological landscape from our practising ecology consultancy, available nationwide, in Leamington.